MRI for device patients study day

We are please to announce our next course will be held on 30 April 2020 at Bart Heart Centre. We have had lots of enquiries already and are working to offer extra courses and on ways to expand places and maintain the high quality.

Details and course programme can be found here.

You can book the course here:

This course is aimed at radiographers, cardiac physiologists, radiologists and cardiologists who perform MRI. We would encourage those planning on setting up a service for MRI scanning in patients with devices to attend, and will provide theory, practical tips and live scanning to cover all aspects of service delivery.

After this course, the attendees should be able to :

    1. Identify the need for MRI scans in patients with devices
    2. Have a practical understanding of different devices (half-day of live device patient MRI scans)
    3. Have a better appreciation of the potential risk and benefits of scanning
    4. Be familiar with considerations prior to setting up a service.

Any questions, please contact us here.